Mental perceptions become a part of who we are regardless of being aware of them or not.  They actually affect how we think, how we respond, and how we act. 

Mental perceptions create our belief systems, our cultural mores, our philosophies and habits. We also carry suggestions over from our genetic heritage, our culture, our parents and other family members, from friends and enemies, and from what we have read, seen and experienced.  

Many of us tend to overlook the importance of tapping into a deeper level of self awareness. 

But the truth is that the more we avoid facing or discussing our challenges, the more we avoid reaching our full potential. 

Here are 3 tips to help you focus on your goals:
1. Keep a Schedule:  It is a very good idea to write down what you have to do each day. As you complete them, check them off. However, don’t feel like you are bound to your list. 
2. Take a Break and have Fun: If you spend too much time in front of the computer, at your desk, or doing whatever it is that your occupation requires, you should take a break. Try to make better use of your non-work time to do something fun. It will refuel you and help you get what needs to get done with a more productive attitude.
3. Accept the things you can’t Change: When something bad happens in our lives, we try to fix or change them. Sometimes we can’t. This sometimes leads us to spend hours moping and falling into depression. If you accept the things you cannot change – you will be a happier person. Acceptance allows us to find ways to deal with these situations much faster.
Try doing something every day that you don't want to do – or makes you uncomfortable. While it’s different for everyone, we all have small steps we can start to take towards facing our fears and accomplishing our dreams! 

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